A few delicacies of the Triestine Cuisine
First Courses
- Jota - soup based on sauerkraut, beans, potatoes and flavoured with smoked pork.
- Gnochi de pan (bread gnocchi) - the main ingredient is the stale bread, browned in a ham or bacon based sauce.
- Gnochi de susini (plum gnocchi) - big dumplings, based on potatoes and flour, filled of plums in which the stone has been removed and replaced by a filling of browned molten butter and breadcrumbs flavoured with sugar and cinnamon.
- Minestra de bobici - soup with corn ("bobici"), kidney beans, smoked ham and pepper.
Second Courses
Side Dishes
- Sardoni in savòr - anchovies marinated in vinegar, prepared laying one or more layers of fried anchovies on sliced onions, the latter cooked adding vinegar, laurel and garlic.
- Gulash - Hungarian dish, very common in town, prepared with lean beef cuts, sweet paprika, onion and tomato sauce.
- Cevapcici - a Serbian recipe: grilled cylinder-shaped beef and lamb minced meatballs, flavoured and slightly spicey.
- Porzina con capuzi - air-cured pork meat, boiled and combined with sauerkraut, celery and horseradish.
Side Dishes
- Patate in tecia (potatoes in the pan)- sliced potatoes immesed in sautéed onions with the addition of broth; after being cooked, salt and pepper are added, and then they are pressed with a ladle until they are well mixed with the other ingredients; their peculiarity is the tasty little crust that should form during the cooking.
- Granzevole alla triestina (spider crabs) - this Northern Adriatic fine and exquisite shellfish is seared and then seasoned with lemon juice, pepper and parsley.
- Strucolo de pomi - is the Triestine version of the Austrian strudel, prepared with a filling of apples - but also cherries or other fruits - enriched with pine nuts and dry cookies.
- Fave triestine - very funny ball-shaped coloured cakes made of almond flour, with eggs and maraschino, typically prepared between October and November; each colour has a different meaning, connected with life cycle phases and the commemoration of the dead.